Week 9 Progress

This is the one I won't like

As I've mentioned in yesterday's blog post, the past two months have been very hectic. Let's review my blog posts, shall we?
Week 1 -
Traffic Lights - the logic behind it
World of Warcraft - my favourite game
In the first week we broke down how it looks like, logically and step by step, when cars drive through traffic lights. We also talked about our favourite games which I think was cool. Mine is World of Warcraft; it's an MMORPG where you create a character and fight stuff. I've played it for over ten years (!).
Week 2 -
We had five blog posts this week (or at least that's how many I have done). 
Introduction - everyone wrote a bit about themselves
This week we also talked about the growth mindset which basically means the best way to learn new stuff and learn more is to step out of your comfort zone.
Week 3 -
This week we talked more about game design and did our first Unity tutorial. I liked this Unity tutorial because it was easy to follow and in this one, my UI is the same as in the video (that changed soon).
I created a simple board game. I set the theme, rules and objectives. This was to show how easy game design could be
Week 4 -
In week 4's reading, I talked about what makes up a game, i.e. players, rules, objectives, etc.
Week 5 -
In week 5, we wrote a game vision statement, which is a short but detailed description of your game. We made a functioning clock in Unity as well!
Week 6 -
We did more Unity as well as creating our game design document, or GDD. The GDD is a document that tells the reader everything about your game
Week 7 -
Same idea, some Unity, some game design!
This week I also did some extra tasks because I need the marks (because I may have slacked off a bit in some earlier weeks)
Week 8 -
At this point my whole project feels like a dumpster fire that will never be finished.

To summarise, I enjoyed doing the Unity tutorials, even though some of them weren't really applicable to me, though it still was valuable knowledge 

(my own screenshot, from Unity)
Here's a screenshot from a recent tutorial. As you can see (not very clearly) there's trees and grass (which sway in the wind!), a shed as well as textured terrain and a skybox.


  1. Hey Pawel,

    hahaha I find this very funny but I really enjoy the fact that you are trying to do the best that you can I would like to give you some advice. I feel like if you think that your game might be a little to hard for you. You can always change your idea and have your game to make it very simple for you although it will be alot harder for you to cope with the time tightness.



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