Game Stories

The first reading for this week is called Into the Woods: A Practical Guide to the Hero's Journey This article talks about the "Hero's Journey". It's a concept in mythology and storytelling which is basically a template for most stories.
(image source, public domain)

I'll be honest, I don't think the author did a good job explaining what "the myth" is in the first part of the article, and so I had to dig around a bit. It turns out "the myth" is just a story.
The story doesn't need to have all the components listed above, and they don't necessarily have to be in the given order. The wikipedia article for the hero's journey explains what it is quite well and gives several examples for each point.

The second article is called What Every Game Developer Needs to Know about Story. This article again talks about the storylines in videogames. Side note: these articles are old, the author refers to the Xbox 360, which came out in 2005, as "new".
Anyway, we learn that story within a game is not just dialogue between two people but rather conflict. Something has to happen. This is just like the three act structure in movies, where there is the inciting incident, the crises, the climax, etc. The article talks about different types of conflicts and in which media they are common.

We're told once again, that "Show and tell" is important!


  1. Hi Pawel,

    I really like the layout of your readings. Also, they are nice and short, but to the point which is always good as it's easy to remember. I like how you have highlighted some text by changing its font color. I have never even thought of doing anything like that! I definitely know I will be doing this in the future.

    BLC Blogging.


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