Fixed vs Growth Mindsets

What are fixed and growth mindset? 

I learned about this concept from Carol Dweck, who researched how children react when they are praised for their results compared to how they react when they are praised for their efforts. They learned that children who were praised for their efforts saw an improvement in grades, and asked to be challenged with harder tasks, rather than staying in their comfort zone. This resulted in a further increase in grades, even in underprivileged areas.

As I watched it, I realised that most of my life I've had a fixed mindset. I was praised in primary school for being smart but I never really put any effort into studying. Then secondary school hit me like a truck and I was quite bad at most subjects. 

Now that I've watched these videos, I'll try to challenge myself rather than staying in my comfort zone. I also hope to learn more about the Growth/Fixed Mindset from Ms Dweck in the future.

Growth Mindset:  
Fixed Mindset
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