Time Strategies

Time is an abstract concept yet we all stick to it. Alright, enough smart sounding words. Let's talk about time management. God I really need to work on my time management. Here's the best advice I could boil down from what my peers and my lecturers told me and what I've read about on the internet: Do tasks as you get them, not before the due date Seems pretty obvious but you'd be surprised how much willpower it takes to start a task as soon as you're told about it Even better: Work ahead. The nature of our MD module lets us work way ahead, we have all our tasks laid out for us, with a rough schedule to stick to, but we can do them ahead of time If you're working in college, try to separate yourself from your friends for the time. Let's face it, you're not gonna get anything done when you talk to your friends about what you did last weekend over two hours. Move away and get stuff done Image Source