
Showing posts from September, 2019

Time Strategies

Time is an abstract concept yet we all stick to it. Alright, enough smart sounding words. Let's talk about time management. God I really need to work on my time management. Here's the best advice I could boil down from what my peers and my lecturers told me and what I've read about on the internet: Do tasks as you get them, not before the due date Seems pretty obvious but you'd be surprised how much willpower it takes to start a task as soon as you're told about it Even better: Work ahead. The nature of our MD module lets us work way ahead, we have all our tasks laid out for us, with a rough schedule to stick to, but we can do them ahead of time If you're working in college, try to separate yourself from your friends for the time. Let's face it, you're not gonna get anything done when you talk to your friends about what you did last weekend over two hours. Move away and get stuff done Image Source

Multimedia Development and the Technology used within

So there's lots of different software and websites that we're gonna be using in multimedia development, Imma list them all here because why not. First there's Moodle which we use a lot in other modules. In MD, we're not gonna be using it a whole lot, mainly to say that we've done our given tasks and that's really it. Then there's image editing. Really we can use microsoft paint as it's very basic editing (resizing and cropping mainly) but I still prefer adobe photoshop as paint compresses images weirdly when you make them smaller. We also need something for "graphics creation". My lecturer suggested canva amongst others so I'll use that, though I hope to become proficient enough with adobe illustrator over the semester to just do them myself from scratch. Obviously there's also Unity as I've mentioned in my last blog post. Unity is great for all kinds of apps and videogames (both 2D and 3D). Finally, we need something for ...

College Assignments, Creative Digital Media - Year 2

I recently started studying my second year of creative digital media in TUD Blanchardstown. For the Multimedia Development, we have several different assignments, namely readings, Unity3D, project work and several others.  I'm very excited for Unity3D, because I've always wanted to develop games but was never sure where to start. I heard that Unity is good for beginners; let's hope that's true. We also have extra tasks which we can complete for extra credit, in case we need to make up for missed points or want to get points in advance and finish the semester a week or two early. Image Sauce Overall I'm really looking forward to the module and hope to learn a lot from it. That's it for now, see ya!

Fixed vs Growth Mindsets

What are fixed and growth mindset?  I learned about this concept from Carol Dweck, who researched how children react when they are praised for their results compared to how they react when they are praised for their efforts. They learned that children who were praised for their efforts saw an improvement in grades, and asked to be challenged with harder tasks, rather than staying in their comfort zone. This resulted in a further increase in grades, even in underprivileged areas. As I watched it, I realised that most of my life I've had a fixed mindset. I was praised in primary school for being smart but I never really put any effort into studying. Then secondary school hit me like a truck and I was quite bad at most subjects.  Now that I've watched these videos, I'll try to challenge myself rather than staying in my comfort zone. I also hope to learn more about the Growth/Fixed Mindset from Ms Dweck in the future. Growth Mindset:   Fixed Mindset ...

Introduction to a Future Revolutionary

Hi! My name is Pawel, and this is an introduction to myself. Where do I even start? Well, I like to say that I'm a full-time nerd, part-time psychonaut. I love video games like World of Warcraft (which I've previously written about) as well as tabletop RPG's like Dungeons & Dragons. I also like philosophy and fantasy books like the Stormlight Archive series (it's great, go read it). I'm a second year Creative Digital Media student at TUD Blanchardstown. I picked this course because it covers a wide range of topics, from photography, through web development to game development, and I'm not exactly sure what I want to do once I'm finished here.  Why a future revolutionary? I believe that the government is a bad thing full of corrupt people and that we should disestablish it. Why is stealing food from a shop illegal but keeping a warehouse full of it while people starve perfectly fine in the eyes of the law? Anyway, I'm not gonna dw...

Traffic Lights - the logic behind it

How do traffic lights work? I mean logically how do they work? Well I had to figure it out with several of my friends as a part of a workshop. Let's start with asking what's the point of a traffic light? So the point of a traffic light is the guide cars and other traffic and to prevent complete chaos on the streets. A traffic light has three states which mean different things; red, yellow and green. Red to stop, yellow to prepare to stop and green to go. Take a regular crossing where two perpendicular roads cross, and name them North/South and East/West. Start with N/S at red. E/W is at green and going. Wait 30 seconds. Switch E/W to yellow. Wait 3 seconds. Switch it to red. Wait 3 seconds again. Switch N/S to green. Wait 30 seconds. Switch it to yellow. Wait 3 seconds. Switch to red. Wait 3 seconds. Switch E/W to green. Repeat. It sounds unnecessarily long and complicated but computers need exact instructions to do their tasks. A robot arm at a factory wo...

Test Post

Hi! This is a test post to my blog This text is bold This is underlined This is italicised This text has a line through it

World of Warcraft - My Favorite Game

World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) released in 2004. It quickly gained popularity and had over 12 million players online at its peak in 2008. It's reduced in quality since then, when Blizzard was acquired by Activision. It has had 7 (!) expansion packs since release and a remaster that came out less than a month ago called World of Warcraft Classic, where the game is as it was back in 2004 (a lot of things have changed since then).  source The game doesn't really have a set goal but most people try to level up their characters and get better weapons and armour. There's lots of races to play as; you have your fantasy races like humans, elves, dwarves, orcs etc. There's several classes to choose from as well. Classes fundamentally decide your play style. Amongst others there are warriors, priests, mages and hunters. Players will generally run from zone to zone looking for quests to do which grant rewards like exp...