Unity Tutorial 02

Back with a bang
Break's over ladies, back to Unity we go. We waste no time and get right into it with an official tutorial from Unity themselves. The first three lessons get us back up to speed with the basics of Unity. We also get to change the layout of Unity itself to make it more comfortable to use for our purposes.
The first thing we do is import an existing Unity project from the Asset Store. Then, we add the assets into our scene, namely a vehicle the player will take control of, as well as obstacles that the player will have to avoid (or not!).
Secondly we add some basic code to make the vehicle move forward. To put it simply, the code changes the position of the player vehicle by X amount in Y direction on every "update" (frame) that the program runs. The speed of the vehicle can also be easily changed.
 After that, the camera is attached to the vehicle so that it follows it and a few lines of code later, it is also located in the right place!
Next, we duplicate the obstacle and move every instance of it further up, so they're scattered all along the length of the road.
That's it for now!
"flight control, we have liftoff" (own screenshot)
Looking forward to adding code to actually being able to control the vehicle.


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